I headed to walgreen's today and did 5 transactions. I am now definately full to the brim on a cleaning supply stockpile, besides laundry detergent. Most of the time I clean with vinegar and baking soda other then the toilet, but when I can get good prices I do stock up on cleaning products. A note on the robotussin: The printable coupons are one per household. I printed one per household (MIL, myself and my mom.) Please use these coupons correctly.
Transaction 1
3 Robotussin DM - Sale $3.99 used 3 $3/1 Qs
Total $2.97 (paid on gift card from rebates) Got $10 Register Reward for buying 3.
Transaction 2
2 shout laundry spray Sale $2.49, used $1/2 Q
3 scrubbing bubbles wipes Sale $2.49, used 3 $1/1Qs
2 windex wipes Sale $2.49, used 2 $1/1Q
plastic serving plate, 25¢ clearence (filler)
Used $10RR from trans 1.
$2.75 paid on gift card
Trans 3
crest prohealth mouthwash $4.49 used $1Q
3 glade fabric and air $1.99 sale with ESR Q, used 3 $1.50/1 Qs
2 votive holders 99¢ each
2 dozen votives 6/$1 sale
candy for DD 79¢
pack of 5 dishcloths $3 (Going to cut and hem these into 4 cloth napkins per towel.)
plastic serving plate 50¢ clearance
Used $10RR from trans 2
$6.43 paid on gift card. Got $4.50RR from the mouthwash.
Trans 4 (mom's)
2 windex spray $2.49 sale, used 2 $1/1Qs
5 scrubbing bubbles spray $2.49 sale used 5 $1/1Qs
Total $11.48 paid on gift card
Trans 5 (more of mom's stuff)
4 taper candles 2/$1
bundle of forks $1
2 plates, 25¢ and 50¢ clearance
bubbles 79¢
Crest mouthwash $4.49, used $1/1Q
2 Glade fabric and air $1.99 sale with ESR Q, used 2 $1.50/1 Qs
24ct crayola crayons 99¢ (closest cheapest thing to the register to bump the total over $10 lol)
used $10RR from Trans 4
Paid $1.90 on giftcard, got $4.50 RR from mouthwash.
Total Saved for all transactions was $103.20
My total OOP - $12.15
Mom's total OOP -$13.38
Left with $9 register rewards.
I must admit it was a really good trip, but I could have done better. We had planned to get the pro-health toothpaste and lypsl chapstick that were both FAR this month but they were out of stock. That is why there was a bunch of random things added in so the totals would be enough to roll the register rewards. The votive candles and holders are going to be part of a Christmas gift, and I couldn't pass up the dish towels. I do not think I could have gotten 20 cloth napkins for much cheaper anywhere else. Plus I need practice with my sewing and it should only take a few minutes to hem the edges.
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