Today I hit 5 stores , plus the post office, dentist and lunch.
zipper binder: $3.24
wag rubbing alcohol .99c
flipflops (for me) .49c
3 colgate toothpaste 2.99 used wag Q that brought them to .99c, used 3 $1/1 = 3c overage
crest prohealth $3.79 used $1/1 Q
Used $4.50 RR from last week's mouthwash deal.
Paid $3.71 on a gift card and will get $3.79 back from rebate on the crest.
Dollar Tree:
2pk cooling rack, 3 packs of foam stickers, googley eyes, pipe cleaners, 6 kindy /1st grade workbooks , sponge mop and package of oatmeal cookies.
Spend $14.78
So, I actually haven't been in Aldi's in quite a while until today. Definately not since I started "hardcore couponing" in January. They don't take coupons and the one closer to me is kind of dirty/messy. However, the other one, which is a bit further away is super clean and I will definately be going back there. I need to get some more reusable grocery bags so I don't have to buy bags there. They are only 10c and much more durable then a regular plastic grocery bag atleast. I also need to start remembering to take the two fabric bags I *do* have and start using them. Most stores around here give a small bag credit. Every bit counts right? Anyway..
My mom got some things too, but I ended up paying for them since she took DD out to the car. I spent $33.08.
Some of the things I got:
maraschino cherries - 99c (yummmy)
2 cans water chestnuts -55c ea (ew, but for MIL and I've never seen them for less then $1.50)
3 plastic aldi bags -10c ea
Powdered Sugar - 99c
2 brown sugar - 99c ea
4 tomato sauce 23c ea
4 tomato paste 35c ea
Flour - $2.23
Granulated Sugar - $2.14
Poptarts - $1.69 (This was a large box for less then the small generic box at PC!)
3 8oz blocks of cheese - $1.99 (not a great price IMO but I have none.)
2 goodlife catfood bags - $4.50 each used two $2/1
10 packs purrfectly fish cat food 55c ea used 5B1G1 Qs
2 jars chopped garlic - $1.98 ea
8pk scott paper towels $4.59, used $1 Q
some other things, not nessisarly great deals, including $17 of gatorade
Spent $49.00 saved $7.75 in Qs (no club card for this store)
Price Chopper
Spent $75.66 Saved $21.36
Everytime I post a PC blog, I think about how I need to be more picky at Price Chopper. I seem to always spend the most in this store.
The highlights:
B1G1 Ravioli (usually the only time I buy it.
3 bags of limes (2lbs each) 80c
London Broil B1G1 (it was about $8 for two)
5lbs rice for winter stockpile
Fun clearence items. Some for me, some for a friend. But... she reads my blog.. and they're for Christmas.
My messup:
$15 (after coupons) worth of fruit snacks. I got my brands messed up and was thinking I was going to get an additonal CAT for $3.50 off. I'm actually considering taking these back, but DD loves them and I know she would be upset. Don't know what to do about this. I need to be more careful. (And let MIL buy the fruit snacks from Sam's Club.. They're frickin free that way!)
Overall spend about $160 today. If you're wondering what I intend to do 6lbs of limes.. I cut them in half and use them to clean my garbage disposal between using the cleansing tablets. Actually, I usually use lemons but any citrus fruit would work. So I'll freeze them and have a nice clean smelling garbage disposal for a long time.
1 year ago
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